This page last changed on Feb 20, 2008 by scytacki.
Ed's sensor and model chart from December 2
External Sensors |
3-4 |
5-6 |
7-8 |
Temperature (degC) |
Light (lux) |
Force (N) |
Relative Humidity (%RH) |
Motion (m/s) |
Voltage (V) |
Gas Pressure (Pa) |
Optional |
Accelerometer (m/s^3) |
Computer Sensor |
Sound |
Computer Models |
Evolution |
Solar System |
The following sensors have been discussed but they are not currently planned for use in a unit.
Sensor |
Notes |
Sound Intensity |
compass |
current |
This is often used in conjunction with the voltage probe |
pH |
Wind speed |
Pulse rate |
Earlier notes:
Here is a list of the current units sensor needs. It is excluding the sound unit.
Of all of these configurations the 24 light and relative humidity will be the hardest to handle. Also the motion units seem to be the only units where sample rate would matters.
- Sensing_i01 single temp (no requirements)
- Sensing_i02 single light sensor (no filters or requirements)
- Temp_i01 single temp (no requirements)
- Temp_i02 single temp (no req.)
- Transp_i01 single Relative hum sensor
- Transp_i02 relative hum and light together for 24 hours
- Press_i01 single pressure sens
- Press_i02 no sensor
- Motion_i01 single ultra sonic distance?time only
- Motion_i02 single ultra sonic distance?time only
Based on this the sensor configuration could be as simple as the probe type or types. However most likely each vendor will need some more specific information to get the most out of their probe.